“College Haves” And “College Have-Nots” Since The Great Recession

Colleges haves and have nots since the great recession by Minerva Financial Advisory

The Center on Education and the Workforce at Georgetown University recently release a report with shocking news on the impact of education levels on who lost their job during the recession and who found work during the recovery. The post-Great Recession economy has divided the country along a fault line demarcated by college education. They found the economy added 11.6 million jobs since the recession bottomed out in December 2009. But 99 percent of job growth went to workers with at least some college education, leaving workers with a high school diploma or less far behind.

Workers with high school or less suffered largest decline in employment during the Great Recession

December 2007-December2009 College Job Rates

But this segment has seen few jobs come back during the recovery


Only those with at least some college enjoyed net job growth over the past 9 years

Source: Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, America’s Divided Recovery: College Haves and Have-Nots, June 30, 2016. Employment includes all workers age 18 and older.

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